Monday, June 21, 2010


Eight weeks has brought all kinds of good news. The babies have slept through the night multiple times now and if they do get up, it's just once and then we all go right back to sleep for some much needed, much missed sleep. The whole family slept in until 10 am on Saturday!

Eight weeks brought new outfits. I'm now able to fit them into the clothes marked 0-3 month with out drowning them. No more newborn!
And the biggest news yet....
Lexi has moved up to the 1-2 size diapers!! Jack isn't too far behind, in fact, it might be sooner than later since he's wet through 3 sets of clothes in the last 24 hours. So proud of our little beanpoles.

Monday, June 14, 2010


We blessed the twins on Sunday June 6. I'm just now getting around to the post...(sorry Grandma's). It was such a great day. Everybody from Tylers family and all but one person (you know who you are :0)...I'll forgive you...) from my family was able to come. Tyler gave each child their own personal blessing and of course I cried through both of them. Thank you to all who came to support us and be with us on this day. Thanks Aunt Peggy for the gorgeous white blankets that were a perfect compliment to the day. Thanks to all who helped with holding and feeding and loving us all.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Our babies love the bath but what mom and dad do after is a different story. This is after Lexi saw what we'd done with her hair.

Jack just didn't have words to describe his horror at his afro.