We got an early Christmas present this year! On Tuesday we went for in our Ultrasound and found out we are having......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................TWO BABIES!! Oh wait, we knew that part. One is a BOY and the other.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................is a GIRL!! Wahoo!! We couldn't be more excited!
Earlier this year, before the Dr's and the shots, the surgeries, the prayers, and the endless driving to Utah I had a dream about twins. In the dream the kiddos were about 1 or 2 and we were sitting in the Dr. office. The girl, in my dream, looks just like Tyler, dark hair and green eyes. The boy is behind the Dr. who has his back turned to me. I keep saying, "Dr., please let me see him." Finally he turns around and the boy is blond, like me...one problem though, he has 3 eyes. Hmmm. maybe that dream wasn't so fantastic. Tyler said "all boys have a third eye, just not on their forehead"....funny Ty! Despite the malformation, I still felt very strongly about a boy and a girl through all of this. Tyler also had a dream about a boy and a girl. Then over the weekend I had another dream about a girl who was about 7 months but was talking, poking my stomach saying "mom, make him come out!!" Then, all the sudden, he was out and was also 7 months old. He didn't look anything like me this time and luckily had just 2 eyes this time, then the dream was over. I need to go back and read my psychology textbook on dream interpretation, yikes.
Anywho...They are positioned opposite than what I was thinking, Baby A is the Girl and Baby B is the Boy. The boy has been way more active than the girl though, maybe he'll be a soccer player!. The ultrasound tech says he has big feet - not my son!! Would have to take after Tyler on that one. He is positioned feet down, kicking the Girl in the head most the time. The ultrasound showed her pushing his feet away a couple times. Amazing!! When the tech was trying to get a picture and measurement of her head, you could see two little feet in the background. Nice one!
My stomach is growing too! The Dr. says, "you just wait, it's going to get alot worse!!" I'm ok with anything I personally have to endure through this (heartburn, kicked ribs, stretch marks, I just want what is best for these little munchkins. If you can't tell.... we are SUPER excited and have started shopping for 2 of everything...one pink....one blue!