Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Friday was a gross day. First, I walk into this....
Jack is spitty anyway but this was just nasty. Don't get me wrong, he's had plenty of other bad spit ups and he soaks his shirts and it gets stuck in his hair. Boys are gross.

Then, that afternoon, I was putting Lexi in the stroller and when I pulled my hand out it was covered in yuck. I thought "oh no, she's had a blow-out" so I picked her back up but the yuck was just on my hand and a spot on her lower leg. It took me a couple seconds to figure out that a bird had just pooped on me!! SICK!!

Not to worry, there was more. That evening we were bathing the kids and Jack decided to 'drop the kids off at the pool'...he pooped in the tub. EWWW!

I'm sure I'll have many more disgusting days when they figure out they can smear the poop on the crib or when they pick their nose and wipe it on the walls and all the other fun things that come with raising kids. Things that only kids can think to do. And I've got two that can share in the naughtiness together. Thank goodness for running water, soap, wipes, and hand sanitizer.

1 comment:

Burk Family said...

Hee hee....Kids are fun, huh?? ;)