Thursday, May 27, 2010


These days...

Why can't this baby suck a binky? She can suck down a bottle in .3 seconds. This was the story of Lexi's life for about a month. She could not keep that stinkin' thing in her mouth to save her life. She sticks her tongue on the roof of her mouth and juts her jaw out and out pops the binky with it. She'd get so frustrated and my hand got tired just holding it in place so that she could sooth herself for a couple minutes. We switched to the "Nuk" brand thinking it would be more compatible with the high palate shape in her mouth. We practiced everyday with that thing and slowly she got better at keeping it in her mouth by herself. Then the other day I was desperate for a binky and couldn't find the Nuk so I stuck Jack's in there. What do you know, she can suck that Purple thing like there's no tomorrow. Now she's a happy camper! This has been Jack's life-line from the beginning. All night long the squeek, squeek of a baby going to town on that thing. Even when it's not in his mouth, he still does the sucking motion with his tongue. So cute!! I know it's almost the size of his head but he's growing everyday.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Jack the Smack Victor in the left corner lays a left jab to Lexi -

Lazy Eye Lexi gets him back with an elbow to the chest.

Hilarious! This is what happens when you try to take pictures of sleeping babies that get in each others way. I was laughing the whole time. I can't begin to describe the joy and love we have for these babies. So much fun - and it's only begun!